Breakfast Menu: 

Cold cereal and fruit are available every day.

Thursday           Bagels, yogurt, boiled egg, fruit, juice or milk.

Friday               French toast sticks, sausage links, yogurt, fruit, juice or milk.

Monday             Cold cereal, toast, fruit, juice or milk.

Tuesday            Waffles, bacon, yogurt, fruit, juice or milk.

Wednesday       Oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, juice or milk.

Lunch Menu:   

Thursday           Roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, fruit and milk.

Friday               Grilled cheese or PB&J sandwiches, tomato soup or chips, veggies w/ dip, fruit and milk.

Monday             Super nachos, sour cream & salsa, tator tots, fruit and milk.

Tuesday            Sloppy joes, green beans, fruit, and milk.

Wednesday      Beef -n- noodles, crackers, cheese, veggies w/ dip, fruit and milk.

Coming Events:

Jan. 24th – HSBB @ Ennis

Jan. 25th – HSBB vs Broadwater @ Whitehall

Jan. 31st – HSBB vs Broadwater @ Whitehall

Feb. 1st – HSJV/ Varsity vs Lone Peak @ Big Sky


Please be looking for the school’s survey this week, for our Integrated & Strategic Action Plan- Graduate Profile. If you would like to participate but don’t do Facebook Surveys let the school know and we can send you one.

The 2nd quarter and 1st semester end the 17th.  Report cards will be mailed out on the 22nd.

Testing- January 20th- January 31 we will be doing the 2nd round of MAST testing for grades 3-8.

The office has the World’s Finest Chocolates for sale. $1.00 candy bar – caramel, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, crisp, almond and wafer. $3.00 box of Mint Meltaway and Caramels. Proceeds go to the Athletic Fund.

Download our Willow Creek School App on Google Play or the App Store!  Follow the links on our website.   Don’t forget to like us on Facebook!