o.5 Credit
1/2 Year
Prerequisite(s) ➾ None
This course includes operation of the keyboard by tough and using the computer as a tool in preparing personal applications. Units may include personal and business letters, and memos. Computer basics, proofreading, proper spelling, correct grammar, speed development and composition, and desktop publishing techniques are also introduced and enhanced.
Skills Taught:
Students will be able:
Develop touch-keyboard speed, accuracy, and manipulation techniques
Develop the ability to read, interpret, and follow directions
Proofread to detect errors
Create and use folders to organize documents
Use various editing techniques
Keyboard from printed, handwritten, and rough-draft copy
Computer Skills I
0.5 Credit
1/2 Year
Prerequisite(s) ➾ None
The primary gal of this course is for the student to develop proficiency in using an integrated computer software package including word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentations. After each set of instructions, the student will be required to produce documents using the skills being taught. The student must learn to follow directions and specifications for preparing documents on the computer.
Skills Taught:
Students will be able to:
Develop skills in using integrated software
Write, edit, and print documents in a pre-selected format
Improve keyboarding skills
Create and use the spreadsheet to manipulate numerical data and create and use charts to represent data
Use the database to handle, organize, and report information
Use the draw capabilities to create original graphics or manipulate stored graphics
Learn hör wo present work as a tool in formatting and word processing personal and business applications, including placement of the special parts (mailing notation, attention line, subject line, company line n closing, enclosure, notation, copy notation, and postscript)
Develop a better understanding of formatting and word processing reports with footnote and textural citations, title page, table of contents with leaders, and bibliography
Arrange tabulated material in columns
Prepare resumes, letters of application, application forms
Computer Skills II
o.5 Credit
1/2 Year
Prerequisite(s) ➾ Computer Skills I
This course is for the student to develop advanced skills in using integrated computer software, such as Microsoft Office and incorporating such programs as PowerPoint.
Skills Taught:
Students will be able to:
Develop skills in using integrated software
Create several late projects using many different kinds of hardware and software
Students may be able to challenge college level classes upon completion of this course